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GRIEF DANCE CEREMONY med Unni Heim på Qigongsenteret på Grønland FLOWDANCING conscious movement meditation process

14. februar 2025

Adresse: Qigongsenteret, Grønlandsleiret 14, 0190 Oslo

Dear everyone, here comes an invitation from my heart. 

Welcome into a contained space to connect with, and move personal or collective grief, guided and supported by universal love and compassion.

Grief dance ceremony – a shamanic flowdancing process for dignity & love

A path of acknowledgment, transformation & unity

Time: Friday 14 February from 19:00 - 21:15
Place: Qigongsenteret, Grønlandsleiret 14, 0190 Oslo
Fasilitated by Unni Heim
(Please note: this is not a biodanza event)

It is with deep joy that I invite you to this evening to acknowledge our inner landscapes, and in particular our grief.

This grief can be personal, or it can be ancestral, or it can be collective for the world of today. Often it is a combination of those.

We humans feel empathy with other humans and animals/plants. We suffer when someone else suffer.

It is an art to renovate our own emotional landscape, to keep our frequency vibrating with vitality even in difficult times.  We can get paralyzed by grief and indulge in it. We can dissociate and pretend it is not there. Or we can feel it and at the same time be with our empowered resources.

Grief not moved or not embraced becomes stagnancy, and repressed grief soaks us in unnecessary suffering.

Some times our emotions come up when a container like this is offered to us. And a soft releas can happen. But this is not necessary a goal to hunt for. Even if you do not feel grief in the moment, your presence has a powerful value. To simply connect with intention in service of the human soul, is already medicine both for yourself and for the collective.

- We will sit together in the circle to unite and to resource each of us

- We will dance our way through a meditative flowdancing dance journey. During parts of the flowdancing you can have blind-fold on to enter even deeper inside if you want to.

- We come back to the community again, sitting in the circle to land together in love and acceptance

- And throughput the whole process we will be in ceremony letting flowers and beauty assist and support us.

To honour our grief & gift it space in a separated world, is to nourish the soul; not only the individual soul, but the soul of humanity. 

My style of facilitation is non-cathartic. It is contained & guided in sweetness, tenderness, trust and acceptance. Softness is the strongest power. It reaches deeper and it is the only power that truly heals our soul.

The purpose is empowerment for each of us being present; empowerment rooted in love, compassion and dignity.


Who can attend the ceremony?

This is for everyone, but you need to have capacity to enter inside and to connect in a meditative way with yourself and life around you. You also need to have capacity to self-regulate and to harmonize emotions instead of entering into dissociated responses. Self-containment and relational capacity is needed. It is not allowd to be on any drugs or alchohol. 

Price: NOK 444. Sign in by using the form on this page. There you can pay with vipps, card or invoice. The fee is non-refundable. Registration closes 24 hour before the ceremony. No registrations after that. Max 15 participants. 

The session is led by Unni Heim

Unni is a warm and sensitive facilitator, space holder, healer and international facilitator and space holder. She grew up in the North of Norway under the Midnight Sun, the Aurora Borealis and magic dark winters.

Most of her adult she has lived in Oslo and in different countries and cities around the world.

She is trained as a Masters of Engineering, Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist and biodanza teacher, and is the founder of Biodanza in Norway as well as the founder and creator of Flowdancing conscious movement. In February 2024 she created the first Grief dance ceremony. 

From an international career in telecommunications in the 19’s, she now works full time with dance, meditation and human development. She is regularly being invited to teach & facilitate biodanza in several countries in Eastern-, Southern-, Central- and Northern Europe, as well as South Africa and more.

Since the year 2000, she has been on a deeply transformative inner journey, both personally, spiritual and professionally. This makes all her teachings profound rooted and integrated. 

Bringing people together to support our deeper life journey is her greatest passion. Expansion of love consciousness, the value of life, and the collective healing of mankind is penetrating all her sessions.

Warmly welcome!



Grief dance ceremony: 444 kr

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