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Biodanza in nature - Madrid - Spain with Unni Heim - Escuela Oficial de biodanza SRT Madrid Centro

13. juli 2023

Welcome to the  Official Extension of Biodanza in Nature. The teacher is Unni Heim from Norway and the cource is directed and coordinated by the Madrid Centro school team in collaboration with the Bilbao Loratu School and the Barcelona Spai Viu School.

13-16 July 2023 - Extension training biodanza in nature (for biodanza teachers)

14-16 July 2023 - Open for people with biodanza experiance to join the workshop

Please go to Extensión Oficial de Biodanza en la Naturaleza – Escuela Oficial de Biodanza SRT Madrid-Centro (biodanzamadridcentro.com) for more info. The text is in Spanich, but I will teach in English and everything I say will be translated to Spanish .

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